Kate says

I have many alternative worlds, all on my bookshelf. Working at BookLikes.com Say hello: kate at booklikes dot com

Celebration Giveaway!

Reblogged from Sharon E. Cathcart:
In The Eye Of The Beholder: A Novel of the Phantom of the Opera - Sharon E. Cathcart

From my Facebook Fan Page:

Okay, I promised a give-away in celebration of reaching 1,000+ fans, so here it is. Through midnight on January 31, you can get my debut novel, "In The Eye of The Beholder," free of charge with coupon code PE84U at checkout. Here's the link: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/2163


If you'd like to join in the fun on the fan page, I'd love to have you: https://www.facebook.com/sharon.e.cathcart.  We have regular features and all kinds of good stuff going on.